Well done to all of our superstars. Chosen by your class teachers as pupils who have exhibited our core values of kindness, respect, responsibility and resilience through out the year. Also to our pupils who have reached key milestones in the ‘100 Book Challenge’.
Road Safety

This morning, officers Glenn Hartwell and Katie Darby spoke to the children in whole school assembly about road safety. They discussed safety around the school and dangers of speed. They also introduced a competition – look out for more information in the Friday Focus….
Warwickshire Wildlife Trust

This morning, Sara from the Warwickshire Wildlife Trust visited school. She ran a whole school assembly about the Sherbourne River and the role of Warwickshire Wildlife Trust. She also talked to the children about how we can make our world better for the animals around us. She then ran workshops with Y5 to look at rivers in more detail.
Severn Trent Assembly

This morning, Beth from Severn Trent water came to school to share an assembly with pupils from Y1-Y6. Beth explained the job that Severn Trent do; the process of cleaning water and importance of what you flush / put down the sink.
Dog’s Trust
Sarah from the Dog’s Trust came to school today. She ran an assembly for Y1-Y6 to discuss safety around dogs. She then ran class workshops with pupils from Y3-Y6. She couldn’t bring her real dogs, but she did bring a couple of her cuddly ones.

NatWest Money sense
This morning, year five took part in NatWest’s Money Sense workshop. The session was supported by a NatWest employee who helped the children consider money matters; including budgeting through planning a birthday party.

KS2 SATS Parent Meeting
A great turn out tonight for the Y6 parent meeting about the KS2 SATS.
We have attached the presentation for your reference.
Here are some useful links too…
Eco-Squad Voting
Eco-Squad speeches took place last week and voting took place for today (Monday 25th) from Y2-Y6. Last week, the pupils considered who they wanted to represent their class as school councillor – this week they are choosing their Eco-Rep..
Announcements will be made on Friday 29th….

Playground Pal Training

Last week, children from Y6 wrote applications to become a playground helper (if they wanted to apply). They completed their training today.
During the training, they considered what skills they would need to be a good ‘Playground Pal’. They explored a range of games that they could introduce and how they would work to support the younger pupils at lunchtime.

School Council

School Council speeches took place last week and voting took place for today (Monday 18th) from Y2-Y6. The pupils considered carefully who they wanted to represent their class and took part in a class ballot, discussing the value of democracy.
Announcements will be made on Friday….