This week, in school, we are celebrating National Storytelling week. The children will be discovering the enjoyment of storytelling and how storytelling can help them to read with a storyteller’s voice. Can you remember favourite stories from your own childhood? If so, have fun passing the story onto your child or simply enjoy the experience of sharing a book together.
Microsoft TEAMS
We will now be uploading Year 2 weekly homework onto our Year 2 TEAMS page. You will find each week’s homework in a homework file by clicking on the files tab at the top of the page and then by clicking on class materials. The current week’s homework folder will be pinned at the top for easy access. If you are unsure of your child’s login details for TEAMS then do not hesitate to email your child’s class teacher.
Mrs Sweet / Mrs Davis:
Mrs Dalton:
Miss Bates:
Year 2 Head Teacher Awards can also be found on our Year 2 Microsoft TEAMS page. Take a look and find out who have named as our Year 2 superstars this week!
WRH 1 Minute Maths
White Rose Hub have released a new app aimed at keys stage 1 which looks at practising basic skills of, addition, subtraction and subitising. Each activity is only one minute and it is free to download! A fun way to improve your mental recall! Why not give it a go!
Don’t forget that we also have TT Rockstars and Numbots; other, fun ways, to improve your mathematical recall of known facts! You will find your login details for these 2 games, on the inside cover of your reading diary.
100 Books to read before leaving primary school
Coundon Primary is proud to present an exciting, new ‘top 100 books to read before leaving primary school’ reading challenge, starting in the new year. Getting our children involved in this unique challenge is an ideal way for our school to promote reading for pleasure.
Read our information pack below to find out more about how to sign up to the challenge and take a look at the top 100 fiction books list, all children should read before leaving primary school, compiled by TES and the National Association for the Teaching of English.
During the month of November, we were extremely lucky to have a visit from Coventry author Aaron Ashmore.
Aaron kindly gave up his time to come and talk to the children about being an author and gave special live readings of his books all based around Coventry themes. Our children were enthralled to listen to the book read by the author himself and the visit sparked lots of discussion about the city.
Aaron has kindly donated copies of his 3 books for each year group’s book area and our school library. Why not take a read for yourself?
Fiction Express is an online reading platform used in school with our Key Stage 2 readers; designed to engage children in Reading. Each half term, 3 new books are published in weekly chapters . What happens in the next chapter is completely up to the readers. Using your vote, you are able to decide where the plot goes next. The author will then bring the most popular choice to life! There are options to chat with the author, take part in online quizzes, plus lots of reading activities linked to the book too! If you are not already accessing this resource ask your teacher for a login and take a look at this exciting reading resource and the e-books books on offer. You can then choose a book to read at home too!
Poetry: October 2021
The whole school took part in this year’s National Poetry Day. This was a really successful event with classes sharing well known poems; providing opportunities to join in with a wide range of poetry focused activities and a chance to develop their recital and performance skills. It was a real joy to experience the children engaged in poetry across the school. Log onto the Microsoft TEAMS whole school page to hear the different classes across the school performing their favourite poem.
Year 5
Our year 5 pupils have enjoyed reading their own stories to each other outside on the playground. We certainly have some budding authors in the making at Coundon Primary! Well done year 5!
Year 6
Summer Reading Challenge…
Many of our pupils took part in our local library’s Wild World Heroes Summer Reading Challenge during the summer break. Coundon library has informed us that of all the children that they had taking part in the challenge, Coundon Primary had by far the largest percentage of pupils taking part than any school which was amazing to hear! Well done Coundon!
Book Gift
At the end of their first week at Coundon Primary, each of our Reception pupils received the gift of a high quality, picture book to begin their reading journey with us; funded by our generous PTA. We hope that each and every one of you enjoyed sharing your book at home with your families. We’re sure it will quickly become a bedtime favourite!