WB 28.11.22

This week we have continued our work on celebrations, this time we focussed on Advent. We had a look at traditional ways people may celebrate advent in the UK. We found out that advent starts on the nearest Sunday to November 30th and lasts for four weeks leading up to Christmas. Some people use Advent calendars to help count this down, and much to our surprise, not all of them contain chocolate! We also looked at how other countries celebrate advent. Germany was our favourite as we found out that sweets get hidden insider your shoes!

The children are continuing to progress well with their sounds and are now starting to blend these sounds together to make words. This week they have been reviewing the sounds taught and will be continuing learning their ‘special friends’ (two letters that make one sound). Please watch the videos below with your child to review some of these sounds and support the work in class. Just like last week, please follow the log in instructions for Oxford owl to read the online book and quiz as well as reading the book bag book or ditty sheets that your child brings home in their diary. Those children with QR codes should have a go at the activities in the video. Remember to sign your child’s diary every time they read with you (this includes the online videos). We are very impressed with how well the children are doing with their phonics! Well done!




In maths this week we have been continuing our work on the numbers 4 and 5. We have been experimenting with showing these numbers in lots of different ways, as well as being introduced to five frames to help us see how many of an object we have. We have looked at one more and one less nursery rhymes, exploring how the number increases or decreases by one each time. We used this knowledge to come up with our very own one more and one less nursery rhyme. We have also explored four sided shapes and have had lot’s of fun spotting these in our learning environment.

Miss Masterson will continue the after school library session on Monday 5th December This week it is RKM’s turn. Please come to the main school Reception once you have picked up your child and you will be invited in once the session begins. Your child can then choose a book and listen to a story telling session. Bring your book back to school on your next library session (every two weeks).

It’s showtime! Reception are very excited to be performing our Nativity play ‘The very first Christmas’ on the 7th and 8th of December. Just a reminder that this is ticket only so if you do want to come and watch, please purchase these from the school office. We are also providing children with a costume to wear so please do not worry about this.

Another lovely week in Reception, we are very much looking forward to seeing what next week has in store! Have a great week, from all of us in the Reception team.

WB 21.11.22

This week we have continued our work on celebrations, this week focussing on The Christmas Story. We have used this story to create our Nativity performance and we now have roles to play. We are still practising our songs, getting our voices pitch perfect for our performance to our grown ups in the next couple of weeks. Just a reminder not to worry about costumes as we try very hard to use what we currently already have in reception.

The children are continuing to progress well with their sounds and are now starting to blend these sounds together to make words. This week they have been reviewing the sounds taught and will be continuing learning their ‘special friends’ (two letters that make one sound). Please watch the videos below with your child to review some of these sounds and support the work in class. Just like last week, please follow the log in instructions for Oxford owl to read the online book and quiz as well as reading the book bag book or ditty sheets that your child brings home in their diary. Those children with QR codes should have a go at the activities in the video. Remember to sign your child’s diary every time they read with you (this includes the online videos). We are very impressed with how well the children are doing with their phonics! Well done!




In maths this week we haver been focussing on the numbers 4 and 5. We have been experimenting with showing these numbers in lots of different ways, as well as being introduced to five frames to help us see how many of an object we have. We have also had as go at estimating this week. We are really enjoying our maths lessons, and each week we are getting stronger with our counting.

Miss Masterson will continue the after school library session on Monday 29th November. This week it is RMT’s turn. Please come to the main school Reception once you have picked up your child and you will be invited in once the session begins. Your child can then choose a book and listen to a story telling session. Bring your book back to school on your next library session (every two weeks).

Now the weather is getting colder and wetter, please feel free to send your child in with a named hat, scarf and pair of gloves for them to wear outside. Make sure to remind the children to pop their things in their bags/pockets to keep them safe when they are not using them. If you notice its raining outside your child cab also bring in a pair of named wellies to stop the from getting soggy socks.

Thanks again for all of your support, have a lovely week!

Head Teachers Award: 26.03.21

Massive congratulations to our superstars this week!

1KM: Emelia W- For writing a superb dog fact file!

1KB: Jenson K- For working hard in class and being a kind and thoughtful friend.

1DG: Tyler H- For designing a brilliant boat and for really trying hard with his reading and writing!

Head Teachers Award: 12.03.21 and 19.03.21

Massive congratulations to our superstars from last week and this week!


12.03.21- Tom B for challenging himself and working hard in all areas of learning!

19.03.21- Ada S for always trying hard with all of her work and giving 100%


12.03.21- Sienna D for settling back into school enthusiastically and being a great role model!

19.03.21- Owais K- For coming back to school so brilliantly and being a superstar!


12.03.21- Milen Z- For being polite and having lovely manners.

19.03.21- Violet F- For working hard in all lessons all week!

A big well done to Ted in 1KM for trying hard to become an independent learner and for producing some fantastic Maths work using the < > and = symbols!

A big well done to Frankie in 1DG for listening carefully during our topic lessons and creating a fantastic Arctic scene!

A big well done to Jensen in 1KB for becoming more confident in class and for being an enthusiastic learner!

Home Learning WB:13.07.20

Hello everyone,

I can’t believe it is the last week already! I have loved catching up with some of you over teams these past few weeks! I am so grateful that I have been able to teach such a fantastic group of children this year and I am so sad that we will not be able to say goodbye the way we usually do. I will make sure to see each and everyone of you in Year 2 come September as I have missed you all so much.

I am so proud of you all, you have been an absolute credit to us over these past couple of months and I know that this will continue with Mrs Sweet and Mrs Dalton next year. Take care and have the best summer ever! YOU DESERVE IT!

Missing you all,

Miss Masterson xx

Home Learning WB: 06.07.20

Hello Everybody!

I have popped the links for next weeks home learning below this post, how are we a couple of weeks away from the Summer Holidays?! Before we know it you will be in Year 2! How exciting! I hope you are all keeping safe, cannot wait to catch up with you all!

As always, you can contact us anytime via our emails and chat to us on teams between 10-12 Mon-Fri.

Take care all,

Miss Masterson 🙂

Home Learning: WB:28.06

Hello Everyone!

I have attached the home learning for Maths, English, Phonics and Guided Reading, how are we very nearly in July?! Time is just flying by. Really missing you all, looking forward to some catch up’s on Teams this week :).

Take care and stay safe,

Miss Masterson