Welcome to
Coundon Primary School
Together Everybody Achieves More

Back to School…

As we get closer to a date for re-opening school, we wanted to explain to you how your first day will be organised when you come. The actual date to start is yet to be confirmed but it will involve arriving between 9:30 and 10:00. We are really looking forward to seeing you and welcoming you back to school.

You will come into school via Southbank Entrance based on the time that will be given to you (Mr Mahal and Mrs A-B will be making phone calls to share these). There will be a member of staff at the gate to say, ‘Good Morning,’ and you can then walk around to the year five classrooms as the year six classrooms will not be in use. You will have to remember to keep your distance from the other children as you walk around.  If at any time you are asked to line up on the playgrounds you should see markers to help you to keep your distance.

You will be working in one of the year five classrooms with around 8 or 9 other children and two adults. This will be your ‘bubble’ group (either 6Red, 6Blue or 6Yellow). The two adults will be either Mr Scott, Miss Perrett, Mr Perkins, Mrs Howat, Mrs Goode or Mrs Medley. The classrooms have been changed so that it supports us in keeping a distance between us. Here is a photo so you know what it will look like.  

You will have your own table to work at and your own resource pack which will include a pen, pencil, ruler, rubber, whiteboard and whiteboard pen among other resources. You will be able to put your school bag (with packed lunch) under your table and coat on the back of your chair. When you come in you will be asked to wash your hands – remember this is important throughout the day. 

We will be completing a range of work that Mr Mahal and Mrs AB have set, but will also be spending time outside in our ‘bubble’ group. When we have our morning break this will be with our bubble group. You will have lots of space as break times will be staggered. Therefore, you will get to use the whole of the year 5/6 playground with your bubble group. At lunchtime there maybe two bubble groups out at once and we will be asking you to stay to one half of the playground in your ‘bubble’ group. 

Each day we will also have an afternoon PE session (hopefully the weather says as nice as it has been) but you won’t need to worry about bringing in your PE kit. Alongside our learning we will also be doing craft activities too.

At the end of the day your teacher will walk your group back around to the Southbank entrance to say goodbye. 

Please remember that it is essential that you come to school at the time given to you for arrival so that you do not have to queue with other people. 

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