Its Winter ❄️❄️❄️

In Nursery we have been learning about the season Winter. We have been exploring our environment and looking at changes. We have been talking about the changes in the weather and the clothes we need to wear and doing Winter paintings and activities.

Exploring the frost

Winter activities

Bonfire night

The children in Nursery have been learning all about Bonfire night. They have been learning about how to keep themselves safe, doing firework paintings by splashing the paint, using scarves and streamers to dance like fireworks. making shapes and patterns in coloured sand and glitter and have made some chocolate sparklers by melting chocolate and adding coloured sprinkles.

Owl Babies

In Nursery we have been reading the story Owl Babies written by Martin Waddell.

We have been acting out the story using puppets and have made our own owl babies using feathers and coloured paper. We created an owl investigation table and an owl reading area.

Traffic Survey

As part of our topic on transport the children in Nursery walked to the school entrance, on Forfield road, and completed a survey of the different kind of vehicles that drive past our school.

They saw cars, buses, lorries, trucks, motorbikes and bicycle’s.