We just wanted to let you ALL know how much we are all missing you. This is a message from the staff to you. Hope you enjoy it! Thank you to the extraordinarily talented Mrs A-B for putting this together. Hope you enjoy it. Coundon Primary presents…
Parents – thank you for the photos sent so far. If you do not want your child’s photo going on the blog page then please mention this to the class teacher when you email. We will try to add a selection of photos to the blog each week to show examples of some of the lovely work being done. Obviously we will be unable to put up every photo as adding 90 photos each week would be quite a mission but it is lovely for us to see them. Thank you for all you are doing at home with your children – we really appreciate it and can see some lovely activities being done. Please do not stress if you can’t get everything done, do what you can as any little bit is better than doing nothing. Try to read regularly there are lots of eBooks to read on the Oxford owl website.
Week beginning 4th May 2020
Hello Reception. We would just like to say a massive well done to all those children having a go at the work set. It was lovely to see all of your photos. We love to see all the fantastic things you have been doing.
If you didn’t manage to email your class teacher last week then please try to do so this week so we can keep in touch. The email addresses are: RMT@coundon.coventry.sch.uk RSP@coundon.coventry.sch.uk RLJ@coundon.coventry.sch.uk
Later this week your child’s class teacher will be ringing you to give you your child’s school email address and password. This will enable you to be able to live chat with staff for a given period about the work set. We will be using Microsoft teams to enable live chat so that you can discuss any problems you are having with the work. We will let you know next week when staff will be available. This weeks work can be found below. We have converted the Power-points to PDF’s for anyone who is unable to access PowerPoint.
This weeks Maths focus’ on the book ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’. If you haven’t got the book at home then follow this link to find the story on YouTube. It would be a good idea to read the story first so that your child is familiar with the story.
If you would like a little extra challenge in Maths then you will find some digging deeper activities below
Our curriculum work this week is a continuation of our Spring theme with a focus on life cycles. This should link nicely to this weeks Maths work and the life cycle of a butterfly.
Have a wonderful week everybody. Don’t forget to celebrate VE day on Friday. Unfortunately when planning this weeks work the teachers forgot about Friday being a bank holiday. We planned for 5 days work but don’t feel you have to do all 5 days if you are having a break on Friday. If you do anything to celebrate V.E day then please send us a photo showing us what you did. We are looking forward to speaking to you all this week and will answer your emails as soon as we can.
Take care and stay safe,
The Reception Team
Week Beginning 27th April 2020
Hello Reception, we hope you are all well and have been enjoying the sunshine. It was lovely to speak to you all over the last two weeks. We loved hearing your voices and hearing all of your news it really made us smile. From this week we are starting our new way of learning as mentioned in our previous blog. Below you will find a weeks worth of Phonics, Maths and curriculum activities that are similar to what we would have been doing in school. Children can then email work to their class teacher but only if they would like too. They can send in a piece of work by taking a picture, a Word document/ PowerPoint or if they would just like to write to their teacher about their work. To send the piece of work to your child’s teacher please send it to the following relevant email: RLJ@coundon.coventry.sch.uk RMT@coundon.coventry.sch.uk RSP@coundon.coventry.sch.uk
Please find below a weeks worth of Phonics activities for each of the Phonics groups. Please do the activities for the group that your child is in. They should know what phonics group they are in but if they are unsure then email your class teacher and they should be able to tell you. Remember to warm up for your Phonics session by singing the jolly phonics or tricky words songs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2HYM9VXz9k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvMyssfAUx0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R087lYrRpgY
Please follow the following link to find a weeks worth of Maths activities that come from the White Rose scheme of work which is the scheme we follow in school. Follow the activities dated 27/4. If you would like to read any of the books that the activities relate to then you should be able to find these on you tube. We have added a link to one of the books to get you started. https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/early-years/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdWxBn-xvrQ (night pirates story on cbeebies)
For those of you that would like a little extra challenge in maths I have included the ‘Digging Deeper’ activities on pattern that have a focus on problem solving and reasoning.
We have also set a range of spring activities that you can do at home. Remember to talk about all of the changes that you notice between Spring and Winter and see if you can remember how it has changed from the Autumn.
We look forward to seeing some of your work over the coming week. Remember just email us once a week and we will do our best to get back to you. Enjoy the sunshine and don’t worry about getting everything done. Do as much as you can and remember the oxford owl website https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/ follow the home learning link where you can access lots of eBooks that follow the reading scheme. If you find the books for 4-5 year old a little difficult then look at the year below. Likewise if you find them too easy then look at the year above. Remember Reading is the Key. Continue being the stars that you are and we hope to see you all soon,
The Reception Team
Easter Activities
Hello Everyone, This will be our last blog until after the Easter break. After all of your hard learning at home you all deserve a lovely Easter break, as do all the home schooling parents. Enjoy the Easter break as much as you possibly can. Play games together, watch some films, get out into your garden if you can and enjoy being together. We have put together some craft ideas to do if you want to over the break. You could also make up your own obstacle courses, make up your own song or dance and maybe even do your own Easter egg hunt in your home or garden. You could even try to draw a map and see if someone can follow it to find the egg!
After the Easter break we will be changing the way we do our home learning. Each week we will be uploading a Phonics PowerPoint for the different Phonics groups, a Maths PowerPoint and and another PowerPoint with a range of activities. These PowerPoints will give an activity to do each day and will be in line with the activities the children would have been doing in School (Remember a large majority of Reception children’s learning is done through their play and the interactions the adults have and the questions they ask). Activities should only last about 20-30 minutes so don’t feel the children have to be sat doing school work all day long. Each class will also have an email address that we would like you to upload one piece of work per week. Staff will then reply to that piece of work. Please do not send in a picture of every piece of work as we will only reply to one piece for each child each week. This way we hope to keep in touch and can see if you are managing to do some home learning. We will let you know the email address after the Easter break on this blog.
Have a wonderful Easter with your families. Remember the greatest thing you can do now is stay safe at home. You can go out for some exercise each day but try and stay close to home and away from Parks and other spaces where lots of people may go. We are very proud of you all and miss you very much. Stay safe and enjoy your Easter treats over the weekend.
We will see you all soon and remember to decorate a picture of an egg and pop it in your window so we can spot them on our daily walk. Mrs Towner has her egg up in her window already.
The Reception Team
Week 3
Hello Reception,
We are missing you lots but know that the safest place for you to be at the moment is at home with your families. We hope you are getting the chance to do lots of fun activities around the house and in the garden. Make sure you are getting your exercise each day. The Reception team are all trying to join in with Joe Wickes on you tube every morning and hope you are managing to join in too.
As we would have been preparing for Easter this week in school we have put together some different Easter activities for you to have a go at this week at home. Remember you don’t need to do everything, just do as much as you can to help keep you busy.
First we would like you to watch the following two episodes on cbeebies all about preparing and celebrating for Easter
After you have watched the two episodes, talk about the different ways that Easter was celebrated. In your journal write a simple sentence about one of the different ways and add a picture to go with it.
We hope you have fun trying out some of the Easter Activities. Don’t forget if you design your own Easter Egg, pop it in your front window so people can play ‘eye spy the Easter egg’
Have a wonderful week, stay safe and we will see you all soon,
From The Reception Team
Week 2
Hi Everybody, we hope you are well and enjoying your time with your families. How are you getting on with the work in your pack? Don’t worry about doing it all at once, just do what you can. We will continue to add some suggestions each week of activities you can have a go at, at home. Again you don’t have to do all of these things but they are there for you to do if you can.
Remember reading is the most important thing you can do so read the books you brought home and visit the oxford owl website for a wide range of books that you will be able to read.
Other activities you might like to have a go at can be found below:
We hope you have fun trying some of these activities. Remember to visit the websites that were sent out in you packs as there are lots of games to access that will support the learning your have already done at school. Remember to get outside for some fresh air and daily exercise and keep washing those hands,
See you all soon, Stay safe
The Reception Team
Week 1
Hello Reception, we hope you are all okay and remembering to wash your hands lots. We hope you are trying to do a little bit of work from your packs each day and remembering to read. It doesn’t have to be your school reading book it can be anything at all that has words. Don’t forget the Oxford owl website (link is in your pack and on our last blog) has hundreds of books for you to read. If you read one get an adult to write in in your reading diary as a record. Look for the right age band – if they are too tricky go to the age band below.
We know it is a scary time at the minute but please listen to your mummies and daddies as they are trying to keep you safe. Get outside if you can, in your back garden or for a walk with a grown up. Enjoy your time at home and learn how to do some of the things around the house that your not able to do yet like: make your bed, help make breakfast and lunch, help to wash up, help to tidy your toys and your room.
Get your day off to a lovely start with Joe Wicks on You Tube. He is doing fun P.E sessions each morning at 9.00. Join in and get ready for your day. We will be joining in at school and at home too.
We miss you all and are looking forward to seeing you all when this is all over. If you want to join in rainbow eye spy then draw a rainbow and put it in your window for people to spot when they go out on their walks. We will look out for them when we go walking for our bit of exercise each day and hopefully it will bring a smile to everyone’s faces.
We look forward to seeing you all soon, stay safe and take care,
The Reception Team x x x
Home Working
We have put together and sent home with your child a pack for you to do during the time of this forced school closure. There is a range of different activities that reinforce some of the learning your child has been doing in school. Please use the exercise book provided to record any extra work and activities your child does at home. Draw pictures, write sentences, stick in photos and any other fun activities you do over the time off.
We would also like your child to do a small project all about Spring. They could draw pictures, write simple sentences, cut out pictures from magazines or print from the internet. There isn’t any particular format for this we are excited to see different projects and will display some up and around the classrooms.
You can find a wide variety of extra resources at www.twinkl.co.uk/offer
with the code uktwinklhelps Twinkl have very kindly removed any subscription cost for parents while schools are closed.
You will also find a wide range of age appropriate games online at:
Please continue to read with your child as this is the most important home learning you can do. Read books from school and home, comics, online texts (Oxford owl) or any other material you can get your hands on.