Welcome to
Coundon Primary School
Together Everybody Achieves More

End of Year Message

Dear Year 3,

It has been a roller-coaster of a year and we realise how difficult things have been and that over the last few months, you have been unable to see or be with your friends.  However, the Year 3 staff would like to take this opportunity to express how proud we are of each and every one of you and we cannot praise you enough for all of your hard work, both in and out of school.  It has been a pleasure getting to know all of you and a privilege watching you learn and grow.  We realise that some of you will be excited about moving on to Year 4 and some of you might be worried, but we have told the Year 4 teachers how wonderful you all are and that they are in for a treat! 

To parents and carers, we truly appreciate how difficult it has been to find a balance between schooling, work and home life and we would like to thank you for all of your support during these uncertain times.

Have a wonderful summer holiday and don’t forget to visit us when we are all back together. Take care and stay safe.

Best Wishes, The Year 3 Team.

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