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Coundon Primary School
Together Everybody Achieves More

Fantastic Work

Well done Year 3! Again, we have been impressed with the work that you have completed this week. We appreciate how hard you are all working and would like to take this opportunity to say a BIG thank you to you all. Take care and continue to stay safe this summer.

Fantastic work from Paige who has created a new character for her Horrid Henry story, made her own Olympic torch and completed some maths work. Well done Paige!

Wonderful work from Conor, who has chosen to make a PowerPoint about how soil is made. Very informative!

Well done to Aadit who has created his own Olympic torch and medal, Olympic mascot and his completed some maths work.

Great work from Nizar, who has completed Arabic and maths home learning this week.

Zahrah has worked hard on her maths this week. Fantastic addition work Zahrah!

Fantastic work from Barnaby, who has written a colourful acrostic poem about fireworks. Barnaby has also been working hard on his handwriting and I think we can all agree that it is very neat. Well done Barnaby!

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