Year 4, we have a few messages for you….
Shining stars are what you all are, look back with a smile and go forward with courage.
Sending love Mrs Ward xxx

I just wanted to write a short message to every member of 4PP before we break up for the Summer. This year has been an extremely short one, but despite this, I have seen each of you develop and mature in so many ways. You all should be extremely proud of what you have achieved this year.
Ranging from our modest and quieter individuals, all the way to our more lively and exuberant characters, I will miss you all so much.
Moving forward, remember to keep smiling and always strive to become the best you can be. Channel your efforts into what you are good at, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes!
I wish you all the best of luck in the future.
Mr Perkins

It has been a pleasure to teach all of you from 2019 until Lockdown. I look forward to seeing you all again when you return as Year 5’s. Have a great summer. Mrs McM x

Thanks for the time we had together in 4PP, we had such fun together. You are all very special, Will miss you all x Enjoy year 5! Take care Mrs Walker.

I’m so glad I got to be your teaching assistant in Year 4, I loved every minute of it! I’ve watched you all learn and grow and hope you have have had lot’s of fun. Always strive to be the best you can and remember that you are amazing. Good luck in Year 5, love from Miss Ferris.

Year 4, I would like to say that you have have all been wonderful. Although it was an unusual and short year, I have seen you all develop and grow so much as individuals. I wish you all the best of luck for Year 5 and will miss seeing all of your lovely faces.
4MW….this is so hard for me to write without a few tears. You have been the most amazing class. Every single one of you have made me so proud. I have absolutely loved every minute I have spent with you all! The list of why is endless…from your hard work, cheery personalities, wonderful smiles, infectious giggles, your determination to succeed, supporting each other when you are down, your in school and out of school achievements, your funny stories and awful jokes!
4MW you are all amazing and don’t ever forget that. Try your best in everything you do and know it is okay to make mistakes or to be upset. Smile, stay positive and most of all remember that you are all amazing!
Goodbye my lovelies and remember to say hello to me in the corridor! Love Mrs Walton x