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Coundon Primary School
Together Everybody Achieves More

Half Term WB 25.5.20

Hi Year One!

Next week is half term so your teachers will not be available on Teams and we also won’t be uploading any work to the Blog. I know we may well be seeing a lot of you from June 1st though so I’m looking forward to this!

If you want something to do over half term, I have a project idea for you. I came across the idea through a parent group that I am in. I have trialed it with families that live along my road and it was a huge success!

The idea is to create a ‘Zoo Trail’ around Coundon, so that when you are out for your daily exercise, it gives you something to look out for and hopefully you will have lots of fun doing it! All you need to do is choose one animal to research and create a display all about this animal outside your house in your front garden or on your driveway. I have added some pictures below for examples of what your display may look like. All that would be left to organise is a set date for all of Year One to put their displays outside. I’m sure all of your lovely parents will be able to help with this via the parent WhatsApp group.

Obviously the more people in the area that join in, the better! So why not invite neighbours with children to take part as well? You could create an invitation for a friend to take part or post a few flyers and put up a poster to let people know when and where it is happening.

I hope you have some fun with this, I know I did.

Missing you all so much, Mrs Gray x

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