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Coundon Primary School
Together Everybody Achieves More

Head Teacher’s Award – Friday 13th November

Our children in Year One are continuing to work hard and really impress us. This week we would like to say a huge well done to…

Caiden in 1KM for creating a fantastic Bonfire Night picture. He used oil pastels to create a lovely background full of colourful fireworks. Then he used his careful cutting skills to cut out The Houses of Parliament for the foreground.

Theo in 1DG for working really hard on our Maths Day and creating a lovely shape picture. He used 2D shapes to draw around, he cut them out carefully and arranged them to create a fantastic picture.

Thomson in 1KB for a fantastic improvement in his behaviour this week and his improved focus during lesson time.

Troy in 1KB for showing exceptional behviour and great listening this week.

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