Wow… What a first term! Your children have all been an absolute credit to you and a pleasure to teach. It has been such a strange start to their time in Year One and the way we have had to do things has been very different for us too! Nevertheless, they have adapted so well to the current situation and have really got stuck into everything that we have given them.
It is for this reason that the staff in Year One have made the decision that the whole year group deserve the recognition this week for the Head Teacher’s Award, they really have amazed us this term and they even managed to put together a little Christmas Performance for you to enjoy!
Look out for your link on each classes TEAMs channel (in the files section) and enjoy!
Please can we remind you that you have agreed to keep these recording for your eyes only and not to share them via any social media platforms. This is very important with regards to safeguarding all of the children in the video.
Have a lovely break now with your children and Merry Christmas!