Welcome back Year 6! We hope you had a lovely half term break and are ready to begin another week of hard work. Thank you to everyone who has sent examples of their work in, we would like to hear from more of you though so keep emailing it through to us please. We will still be on Microsoft Teams every morning from 10am-12pm to support you with any questions you have about your learning. Whether you are in school or at home you will have the same work to complete throughout the week and as before it will mostly be using Oak Academy and BBC Bitesize. We are trying to include a wide range of curriculum areas and we hope you enjoy it. Stay safe and keep in touch!
Mrs Auton-Budds email – 6hab@coundon.coventry.sch.uk
Mr Mahal email – 6gm@coundon.coventry.sch.uk
For English this week, we would like you to continue using the Oak Academy site. The focus this week is writing a diary entry.
Day | Coverage | Link |
Monday | Reading Focus | https://www.thenational.academy/year-6/english/diary-entry-lesson-1-reading-focus-year-6-wk5-1 |
Tuesday | Reading Focus | https://www.thenational.academy/year-6/english/diary-entry-lesson-2-reading-focus-year-6-wk5-2 |
Wednesday | Identifying Features | https://www.thenational.academy/year-6/english/diary-entry-lesson-3-identifying-features-year-6-wk5-3 |
Thursday | Informal Language | https://www.thenational.academy/year-6/english/diary-entry-lesson-4-informal-language-year-6-wk5-4 |
Friday | Writing a Diary Entry | https://www.thenational.academy/year-6/english/diary-entry-lesson-5-writing-a-diary-entry-year-6-wk5-5 |
The text this week on BBC Bitesize is Tell Me No Lies by Marjorie Blackman. Let us know what you think.

From Fiction Express we recommend The Last Guardian by Damian Harvey this week. Let us know what you think.
For Spellings this week you can test your knowledge of the Year 5/6 words by being able to use them in context. Each page gets progressively harder from beginner through to genius! The answers follow each page but try not to cheat and aim to challenge yourselves!
For maths this week we would like you to revisit Fractions using BBC Bitesize. The focus will include simplifying, ordering, comparing and adding fractions.
Day | Coverage | Link |
Monday | Simplify Fractions | https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zkkm6v4 |
Tuesday | Compare and Order Fractions | https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zkk6hbk |
Wednesday | Add and Subtract Fractions | https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z7ty382 |
Thursday | Add and Subtract Mixed Fractions | https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zfp4kmn |
Friday | Maths Challenges 4 | https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zd87xyc |
Creative Curriculum
We would like you to finish off your Power Projects and email over some pictures to us so we can see your fantastic work.

In this lesson we will learn about harmony and then learn a new song written by an A-level Music student.

This week you will learn how to say how you feel in Spanish

You will be learning about what makes a good computer game using a BBC Bitesize lesson.
Design and Technology

Learn about extreme designs and how they are tested, using elements of science and maths.

In this lesson learn about how famous Portuguese artist Paula Rego uses her artworks to tell stories, learn some basic artistic techniques and create your own artwork.

Learn about the seven continents and five oceans of the world and how to map them using a globe and an atlas.

In this lesson you will learn about mixing, dissolving and separation but also why different substances do different things when added to liquids.