It was great to hear from so many of you this week either by email or on ‘Teams’. Teachers will be on ‘Teams’ each day (10-12) to help you with your learning. This week there will be a welcome at 10:00 in the year 5 area, before two separate channels will be open to discuss Maths and English work.
You will also find Maths, English, Science, Creative Curriculum, PE and RE activities for the week. All of the activities can be completed in your exercise book and do not need to be printed.
Well done to you for winning the TT Rockstars battle last week. There will be another battle on Wednesday at 2:00-2:30pm. Remember to set yourself a target for the thirty minutes. Good luck!!
We hope that you and your family are safe and well, we miss you all so much.
The Year 5 Team