Home Learning Pack 5, Week 1– Date set 15.6.20
In this pack your child will have everything they need to continue their learning at home. Attached is the following:
- English PowerPoint covering 5 lessons/days
- Maths PowerPoint covering 5 lessons/days
- Guided reading PowerPoint with 5 lessons/days
- Topic home learning tasks to last 2 weeks
- Science home learning tasks to last 1 week
- Spellings for this week
- P.S.H.E activities to last 2 weeks
- P.E activities to last 2 weeks
Any sheets/resources needed are uploaded as separate documents. These can be printed but do not need to be, as all tasks can be completed in exercise books. Please also continue to access the websites given in the first post to supplement your child’s home learning and check the blog regularly for updates. We have also included spellings this week which you could ask your child to practise and then test them at the end of the week.
The next learning pack will be uploaded on Monday 22.6.20
Don’t forget to continue to email us with examples of your child’s work each week, we really love hearing from them! ?
Best wishes and stay safe,
Miss Griffiths, Miss Blowers and Miss Woodroffe