There will be a meeting for parents of children going to Kingswood on Tuesday 25th May at 4pm. At this meeting, we will go through more details with you about what they will be doing and how we will be meeting the requirements of Covid guidelines.
The meeting will be on Zoom hosted by Mrs Auton-Budds and Mr Scott. If you have any questions during the meeting we ask that you use the chat facility rather than unmuting, as it will ensure we can answer everyone’s questions and not miss any.
To enter the meeting you can use the Meeting ID and passcode below.
Meeting ID: 965 6307 5322
Passcode: aYs5tF
If you have any further questions after the meeting or wish to discuss anything that you do not feel you can write on the general chat please email me on: and I will get back to you.
Mrs Auton-Budds