School Meals
Hot meals are prepared every day in the school canteen, these comply with the health nutritional standards. Children are given three choices at every mealtime, including salad and fresh fruit. Special dietary needs can be catered for after consultation with a member of staff. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal each day under the Universal Infant FSM scheme.
Lunch Timetable
We are aware that small children may feel daunted in a busy school canteen so Reception children have the canteen to themselves from 11.30 a.m. To follow government guidelines each year group will have a separate slot to eat in the canteen.
Packed Lunch
As an alternative to hot meals, children may bring a packed lunch into school. Coundon Primary is a ‘Healthy Eating School’ so we do ask that parents make healthy choices when packing lunch boxes and do not include chocolate bars, biscuits and sweets.
Reception and Year 2 will eat their sandwiches in the canteen. All other year groups will eat their sandwiches in the classroom. Each class has its own Midday Supervisor to look after and supervise children throughout their lunch break.
Free School Meals (FSM)
Parent that are in receipt of benefits may be eligible for FSM (please check at the school office) Even if your child does not want a school meal we would encourage you to apply because it entitles the school to valuable Pupil Premium funding which enables us to pass on savings to parents on the cost of school trips and the purchase of uniforms, alongside enhanced provision to support your children with academic and social aspects of school life.
Fruit is available daily for KS1 children as part of the National Fruit Scheme. Milk is also provided to those children that wish to drink it in Nursery and Reception.
Children in KS2 are encouraged to bring in fruit as a healthy snack at morning break. Milk can be purchased on a termly basis for those children wishing to drink it.
We also promote the drinking of water during lessons, this should be in a suitable plastic bottle. Bottles can be purchased from the school office.