Just a quick reminder…
Please make sure that your child is accessing their weekly E-book and Book bag book during the week as this helps greatly with their fluency. The children will receive new reading homework every Friday and will then be expected to bring their books back on a Wednesday morning all completed with a short comment in their reading diaries. Thank you to all those who are already supporting us with this. Just to let you know, the children won’t be receiving a book bag book this week but the E-book and quiz will be set as normal.

Lots of our Year One children are now accessing our Maths App ‘Numbots’ which helps to consolidate what we learn in class. This is super! If your child hasn’t yet gone onto ‘Numbots’ their logging in details can be found in their reading diaries (1st page)
We are now checking their progress and it looks like we have lots of super mathematicians! Well done!
Spellings are now in full flow and your child should have received a weekly spelling list from the teacher. As we come to the end of our first half term new spellings will be sent home for your child to learn.
The children have all worked so hard this first half term and we would like to say a big thankyou for all of your support so far. It was lovely to meet so many parents last week and look forward to the lead up to Christmas! We wish you all a great half term break.
Many thanks
Year 1 Team