The P.T.A. committee is a group of committed parents whose aim is to support, both financially and physically, the work of the school to increase your child’s experience, leaving them with happy memories of the school. We have teacher representatives on the P.T.A. who attend our meetings in addition to the regular P.T.A. members .
PTA Committee
Chairperson: Joanne Bennett, School Business Manager
Treasurer: Sam Taggert
Supporting the P.T.A
There are lots of ways you can help support the P.T.A. Attend P.T.A meetings to help with planning events and deciding what to spend money on. However, if you don’t have time to attend meetings there are lots of jobs that can be done from home e.g. wrapping gifts, making games for fairs, preparing raffle tickets, buying items for events and fairs. Help is always welcome supporting ‘one-off’ events.
If you have any contacts for donations towards raffle prizes, skills such as face painting or equipment we could use for events, we would love to hear from you.
Contact the P.T.A if you can offer support in anyway, via email: pta@coundon.coventry.sch.uk
P.T.A. Fund raising activities:
- Bag2schools collections
- Pre-owned uniform sales
- Christmas and Summer Fairs
What we have raised money for:
- Classroom refurbishment
- Footpath to South Bank Road school entrance
- Bikes and wet play time equipment
- School Lockers
- Reading resources