From September and in line with Government Guidance, we will be getting outside a lot more (in all sorts of weather conditions), this will include our PE lessons.
We will be asking the children to come into school on their PE days IN THEIR PE UNIFORM. (They will find out their PE days during the first week back). They will then stay in this for the day, so a change of clothes will not be needed in school. The main reason for this change is for safety reasons; it has been advised that we reduce the amount of belongings that are coming to and from each home and onto the school site.
For the older children, this change also comes about as there will be reduced space for them to change separately (boys and girls) due to them being in their class bubbles.
To make sure that the children are suitably dressed once the cooler weather sets in, we would like the children to have black jogging bottoms, a black hoody or sweatshirt and suitable outdoor footwear to wear alongside their usual white t-shirt and black shorts.
We thank you for your support with this.
Miss Kelly Perrett and Mrs Victoria Gray