PSHE and RSE at Coundon Primary School
Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE) is a vital part of the curriculum here at Coundon Primary School, which enables all children to develop the knowledge, social skills, attitudes and resilience they need to flourish throughout their lives.
As a school, we follow the Jigsaw PSHE curriculum, which brings together the statutory aspects of Relationships and Health education whilst developing children’s emotional literacy, mindfulness, social skills and spiritual development. It is a highly engaging curriculum delivered weekly in each year group.
The Jigsaw scheme is a whole school programme that is progressive across year groups. All year groups will work on the same puzzle at the same time. Each puzzle consists of 6 pieces (lessons) which work towards an end product.
As part of RSE, pupils will be taught about the nature and importance of family life and bringing up children. They also need to understand that there are strong and mutually supportive relationships outside of marriage. We try to ensure that no stigma is placed on children based on their home circumstances. We aim to provide accurate information and to help develop skills which will enable them to understand differences and respect themselves and others. RSE should contribute to promoting the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at school and within society, thus preparing them for the responsibilities and experiences of adult life. We will work towards this aim in partnership with parents/carers.
Further information regarding our PSHE and RSE curriculum, the new government guidelines and a copy of our draft policy can be found below:
Coundon Primary PSHE (including RSE) Policy March 2021
General Information
DFE RSE Primary Schools Guide for Parents
Jigsaw 3-11 Statutory Relationships and Health Education Map
RSE Expectations by End of Primary School
What Do Primary Schools in England Have to Teach for Statutory Relationships Education