Welcome to
Coundon Primary School
Together Everybody Achieves More

Science, Creative Curriculum, ICT and Spanish.

This week we have a range of lessons and activities organised. Use the links and information below to support your learning.

SCIENCE: This weeks work is all about reversible and irreversible reactions. Follow the powerpoint to support your learning.

SCIENCE CHALLENGE: Check out this website for an extra science challenge this week.
Ask your parent to sign up to the Explorify website – it’s got lots of brilliant videos and activities and is free 🙂

CREATIVE CURRICULUM: Last week you learnt about the Anglo Saxon religion. This week your challenge is to present your understanding about the Anglo Saxon gods. Use the powerpoint and pdf below to help you in this work.

ICT: Click on the website link and go to the ‘What should I do if someone online is mean to me?’ link. Read through the speech bubbles and the links, then go back and click on the ‘Top tips.’ Here, you can watch a short video and have a go at a quiz. It would be great if you could make a poster of your ‘Top Tips’ too! You could even share some of these tips on ‘Teams,’ we would love to hear them. ?

SPANISH: Click on the web link for a Spanish lesson. This is a ‘live’ lesson run by the National Academy.

Click the link below for some ‘Health and Well Being Activities’ too.

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