Well, Year 4 this week’s Times Tables Rockstar battle results are in. The winner is..
The Boy’s!!!!.

It was an epic battle with the most points achieved so far, 18,768 V 15, 109! A special mention to Riley for contributing an epic 17, 168 points to the the boys score and Sarah for a massive 11,852 points to the girls score. WOW!
The boy’s are now in the lead 3-1 to the girl’s. Come on girl’s you need to fight back and challenge the boys. You can do it!
Well done to all those that contributed to the final scores, amazing timetables battling this week!
Boys –Riley, JT, Kamran, Adam, George, Ryan, Morgan, Archie and Matthan.
Girls – Keira F, Isabella, Sarah ,Aaliyah-May, Arissa, Rachel, Tayla R, Tayla D, Leah-Marie, Daisy, Emily, Larna, Chloe, Safa, Ruby, Lola, Beatrise and India.
A new battle has bee set up from Friday 22/5 to Friday 29/5/20. Good luck!