This week we will be linking a pirate theme to getting ready for our new classes in year one. We will be discussing our feelings about starting in year one and familiarising ourselves with our new classroom and environment. We will be drawing maps of how to get to our new classes, drawing our own pirate maps and following maps to find the buried treasure! Please ask your child who their new Teacher is and discuss any worries with them.

In maths this week we will be learning to tell the time in O’clock and half past the hour. We will be using money to recognise coins up to 10p and learning how to count coins to buy items of amounts up to 10p. We will also be recapping positional language. Can your child count around the clock and say O’clock times?

In phonics this week we will be assessing the children’s progress from this term ready for their new groups in September. The children all work incredibly hard in their phonics lessons so we are excited to see their results. Please continue to support your child by reading at home and completing their online homework.
This week we will be making musical instruments. A letter will be going home to request that your child designs their instrument and if you can also provide the resources for them to make them in school. Please bring these in a named carrier bag.
On Monday the children will be meeting their new teachers. They will spend some time in their new classes getting to know their new Teacher.
Thank you for your continued support.
The Reception Team.