Welcome to our Year one blog.

We have made a lovely start to the new term. We launched our author study about Julia Donaldson, reading a wide selection of her stories. We have focused on the Gruffalo and Room on the Broom and next week we will be reading and completing tasks on the Smeds and the Smoos. The children have enjoyed listening to her stories and have brought in books from home to share with the class.

This week we will start our topic on Polar regions and we will learn about the type of animals that live there and research and record facts about the Polar regions.

We have made a great start in phonics, with all the children working hard in their new groups. Your child should have received a reading book to read and there is online homework set on Oxford Owl for your child to complete. Please encourage your child to do the reading and complete the quizes each week as this supports their learning in class and the progress that they make. The phonics teachers can also check who has completed the homework and the children will receive extra dojos for doing their homework.

This week we are continuing the children’s knowledge and understanding of number and place value via counting. The children will learn to write numbers correctly, recognise numbers as words and learn to count on from a given number.
Each child has their own Num bots account to access the Maths activities for home work. You will find the login details in the reading diaries. Please encourage your child to try the activities as again this consolidates their Maths skills.
On Tuesday 3rd October we will be going on a trip to Twycross Zoo. Please ensure you complete the permission slip and make the payment contribution.
Any queries you can contact us on our class emails.
Have a great week.
The Year One Team