Welcome to
Coundon Primary School
Together Everybody Achieves More

w/c 23rd May 2023

This week we will be learning about poetry.

We will be learning about different types poetry such as acrostic, rhyming and performance poetry. We will listening to a variety of poems and learn poems to perform. We will also be writing our own poems. Can your child think of rhyming words and make their own poems?

We are working really hard in phonics and it has been lovely to see how the children’s phonics has helped them to do fantastic writing this week. Keep up the good work!

Don’t forget to log on to the Oxford Owl to complete the online work. Your child will receive extra dojo’s if they do their phonics homework and practise their reading book.

 Please continue to read every night at home as this gives your child the best support in helping them to move forward with their phonics. The continuous practise allows your child to reinforce the learning done at school by applying what they have learned to their reading. By re-reading the same text it allows your child to build both pace and fluency which will help them become a confident fluent reader. Please also remember to do your ‘Reading wise’ activities as extra phonic practise.

This week in maths we will be exploring shape . We will be using right angles triangles and squares to make different pictures and to make other shapes. What shapes does your child know? Can they make a picture out of different shapes?

As the weather is starting to improve please can you provide your child with a named sunhat and remember to bring a water bottle each day. Please apply sun cream to your child before they come to school as we are unable to apply it on them.

On Wednesday 6th June RMT will doing a class assembly. All parents are welcome to attend.

Have a great week.

The Reception Team

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