Welcome to
Coundon Primary School
Together Everybody Achieves More

W/C 23rd October 2023

This week as part of our topic we will be learning about what continents are. We will be doing some map work to locate the continents on a world map and learning where we live in relationship to them. In our continuous provision we will be building igloos with sugar lumps. We will also be carrying out an investigation to test different types of gloves and the materials they are made from. We will find out what types of gloves are best for different jobs according to the materials they are made from.

In Maths this week we will be ordering numbers and using number lines. We will then be starting a new unit learning addition and subtraction. We will be consolidating this terms learning in continuous provision.

Don’t forget to access the Numbots app for Maths challenges.

In phonics this week the children have been assessed and may change groups after half term.

In English this week the children will be introduced to word classes and will learn what a noun is.

We break up on Friday 27th October for half term.

Any queries you can contact us on our class emails.

Have a great week.

The Year 1 Team

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