This week in topic we will be reading the story ‘The old toy box’ and finishing our peg worry dolls and painting pictures of our favourite toys.
In Science, we will be investigating how to measure height. Looking at the tallest man in the world and making our own height chart and comparing ourselves with the tallest man in the world.
In Maths, we will be learning about doubles, finding the difference, related number facts , missing number problems and consolidating our knowledge of subtraction by counting back on a number line in our independent learning.
Don’t forget to complete the Numbots challenges to get a reward certificate for each level completed.
In phonics the children are making fantastic progress. Well done for completing the online home work and reading wise activities which supports their learning. Many children are working through the reading wise program and moving up a level.
On Monday, the children will be given the new spelling lists for this half of the term. Please support your child to learn these at home ready for Monday’s spelling tests.
Have a great week.
The Year 1 Team