Our topic this week is houses. We will be going on a walk around our local area to look at the different buildings and learning about their history. We will be drawing our own maps of the route we take. We will be looking at houses from different eras and putting them on a time line. We will imagine our dream houses. We will listen to the story of The 3 Little Pigs and discuss the materials that they were made of and discuss which materials make strong houses. We will then investigate which materials would make a boat that could hold marbles and not sink. Discuss with your child what your house is made of and what type of house it is.

In maths we will be making predictions about whether there are more or few objects and comparing quantities. We will then be using our maths skills of addition and subtraction to solve a variety of problems. We will be making boats out of different materials and testing to find out which one will hold the most marbles before sinking. We will also be measuring objects in the classroom using non-standard measures. Can you child investigate which objects around the home will float and sink?

We are working so hard in phonics and this being shown off in their writing and reading. An extra well done for those children who are doing their online work and practising their reading book at home. Those children who are consistently completing their online homework and reading regularly are the children who are making the best progress. Please continue to read every night at home as this gives your child the best support in helping them to move forward with their phonics.
On Tuesday 27th June we will be going on our walk around the local area. Please return the consent form by Tuesday morning so your child can participate. We can not take your child unless we have your permission.
Please can you check the cardigans and jumpers you chid brings home as many have gone missing and are named. Brooke Greenhill has two missing cardigans and her Mum would be grateful if they are found.
The lovely weather is set to continue so please can you provide your child with a named sunhat and a water bottle each day. There are still a few children coming to school without a water bottle . Please can you also apply sun cream to your child before they come to school as we are unable to apply it on them. Many brands do an 8 hour cream which means your child doesn’t need to reapply it in school. Thanks for your support.
Have a great week.
The Reception Team