This week in Topic, we will be learning more about the Wright brothers and writing fact files about them.

In Science, we will be learning about invertebrates. We will be going on a bug hunt and finding out about what lives in our environment, what they are called and how we classify them.

In R.E, we will be learning about the stories of Jesus’ miracles and reflecting on what we should be thankful for.

In Phonics, we are working hard to learn our sounds ready for the phonics screening test. Please see the following letter to gain access to the resources available to support your child in preparation for this.
Revisit to Strengthen Phonics – session 1
Dear Parent,
Phonics Screening Check
In preparation for the year 1 phonics screening check in June, your child will need to be secure with reading words that contain the set 3 sounds. To support your child at home with this, I have attached some QR codes below which will take you to the teaching videos of the sounds your child will need to revisit.
Remember when reading a word, your child should use the strategy ‘special friends, Fred talk, read the word’.

In Maths, we will be learning about making arrays, making doubles and making equal groups by grouping or sharing.
Have a great week.
The Year 1 Team