This week our topic is Habitats. We will learn about what a habitat is and what that means for the animals. We will be comparing contrasting habitats and looking at similarities and differences. We will be learning about the habitats of arctic and desert animals and looking at the animal habitats in our local environment. We will also learn about nocturnal and diurnal animals. What animals has your child seen in your local environment and what do they need to survive?

In maths, this week we will be learning about maps. We will be making our own maps of our journey to school. We will be using positional language to talk about our journeys. We will be designing our own treasure maps. At the end of the week we will be completing mazes and seeing how we can challenge ourselves to complete more complicated ones. Ask your child about their journey to school. Is it in a car, by foot and what do they see on the way?

We are working so hard in phonics and this being shown off in their writing and reading. An extra well done for those children who are doing their online work and practising their reading book at home. Those children who are consistently completing their online homework and reading regularly are the children who are making the best progress. Please continue to read every night at home as this gives your child the best support in helping them to move forward with their phonics.
On Friday 14th July at 9.00 am it will be Reception’s sport’s day. Please come and join us if you can.
The weather is a bit unpredictable next week. Please could you provide your child with a waterproof so they can still enjoy the outside area.
Please can your child bring a water bottle to school as it is very warm in the classrooms. Can you also apply sun cream to your child before they come to school as we are unable to apply it on them. Many brands do an 8 hour cream which means your child doesn’t need to reapply it in school. Thanks for your support.
Have a great week.
The Reception Team