Welcome back to the second half of the Autumn term. It’s going to be a busy one!

This week we will enjoy our school fireworks night and we hope that we will see you there. We will have some activities in our continuous provision linked to fireworks night and the children will be doing printing in Art linked to fireworks.

In topic this week we will learn about the Inuit people and their life in the polar regions. In Science, we will be carrying out an experiment to find out which materials are best for warmth, flexibility, protection and which are waterproof.

In phonics, the children will be starting in their new groups and consolidating sounds or learning new ones depending on their progress last term.

In Maths, we will continue with addition and subtraction and problem-solving. Our maths star job will be learning about the part, part, whole model.
Any queries you can contact us on our class emails.
Have a great week.
The Year 1 Team