Welcome to the Summer term.

After assessing the children at the end of the term, we were delighted to find that there are many children moving up to the next level and some children who have completed the Read, Write, Inc program and will be starting the Write Stuff English scheme. Well done for working so hard and practising your phonics at home. Please continue to access the Oxford Owl online books and Reading wise as it really does make a difference to the children’s progress.
Reminder that we will be doing spelling tests on the Monday that we return to school.
We will also be doing an extended write about our Easter holidays.

In Maths, we will be learning how to compare length and height, measuring length using objects and measuring length in centimetres.

In Science, we will continue with our topic on the human body and learning about the sense of sight and hearing. We will conduct experiments to discover why these senses are so important.
In RE, we will be starting a new unit of work learning about Christianity starting with Who is a Christian and what do they believe?
Have a great week.
The Year 1 Team