This will be our last blog before the Summer holidays .
In Maths, over the next two weeks we will be doing position and direction. We will learn how to describe turns and use directions such as left, right, forwards, backwards, above and below.
In Read, Write, Inc, the children will assessed this week ready to start new phonics groups in September. There will be online books set on Friday but no reading books will be sent home as we will be collecting all the books in ready for September. Please return any books you have at home including any Library books.
In Topic/ Design and Technology we will be making hot air balloons and designing and making our own paper aeroplanes. These projects will take up most of our afternoon work over the next two weeks.
In PSHE we will be completing our ‘changing me’ topic.
Thank you for all your support with you child’s learning this year. Have a fantastic Summer!
The Year One Team