We enjoyed a wonderful trip to Twycross zoo this week, with one of the highlights being a visit to the penguins. This week as part of our topic we will be creating our penguin artwork ready for the Art exhibition in November.
In Maths this week we will be focusing on comparing numbers and 1 less than. We will be introducing key vocabulary such as fewer, more, same, less than, greater than and equal to.
Don’t forget to access the Numbots app for Maths challenges.
Thank you for supporting your child with their reading and online work. We are so pleased that so many children are completing their homework.
This week we will be starting our star challenges. The children will have 5 star challenges to complete each week to receive a Friday treat. These challenges are part of our continuous provision and are independent written or practical tasks to support, challenge and consolidate learning in year 1.
Please return parent’s consultation letters as soon as possible so we can issue you with an appointment.
Please join us for 1AS assembly on Wednesday.
Any queries you can contact us on our class emails.
Have a great week.
The Year 1 Team