Welcome to
Coundon Primary School
Together Everybody Achieves More

Week 1

Hello Reception, we hope you are all okay and remembering to wash your hands lots. We hope you are trying to do a little bit of work from your packs each day and remembering to read. It doesn’t have to be your school reading book it can be anything at all that has words. Don’t forget the Oxford owl website (link is in your pack and on our last blog) has hundreds of books for you to read. If you read one get an adult to write in in your reading diary as a record. Look for the right age band – if they are too tricky go to the age band below.

We know it is a scary time at the minute but please listen to your mummies and daddies as they are trying to keep you safe. Get outside if you can, in your back garden or for a walk with a grown up. Enjoy your time at home and learn how to do some of the things around the house that your not able to do yet like: make your bed, help make breakfast and lunch, help to wash up, help to tidy your toys and your room.

Get your day off to a lovely start with Joe Wicks on You Tube. He is doing fun P.E sessions each morning at 9.00. Join in and get ready for your day. We will be joining in at school and at home too.

We miss you all and are looking forward to seeing you all when this is all over. If you want to join in rainbow eye spy then draw a rainbow and put it in your window for people to spot when they go out on their walks. We will look out for them when we go walking for our bit of exercise each day and hopefully it will bring a smile to everyone’s faces.

We look forward to seeing you all soon, stay safe and take care,

The Reception Team x x x

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