Welcome to
Coundon Primary School
Together Everybody Achieves More

Week Beginning 12th December 2022

This week we are on the final countdown to Christmas. We have finished our Read Write Inc phonics for the term so will be doing some class based revision games to practise the sounds and words we have been taught. Please continue to read your on line books and remember to click on Fred the Frog to go back and read any books you may have already read. Keep going over your phonic sounds and see if you can read words quickly. Follow the links below for some videos that you can practise with.

The children will be having their party day on Wednesday 13th December. Children can come in wearing their Christmas Jumper or party wear ( please be mindful of the weather as they will be spending a large portion of time outside and it is very cold). The children will be getting the opportunity to see Father Christmas during the party. Please send in your £1 towards the cost of a gift in a named envelope.

The temperature has dropped massively over the last few weeks. Please ensure your child comes to school in a warm waterproof coat and a hat and gloves. These should all be named and children should be encouraged to put their gloves in their coat pocket and their hat in the sleeve of their coat when not wearing them. The children have 3 sessions outside during the day so need to be warm.

We are looking forward to a lovely last few days before the Christmas break. Thank you all for working with your children on their phonic sounds and reading as it is having a positive effect. We hope you all have a healthy and safe Christmas and look forward to seeing you all in the New Year.

The Reception Team

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