Welcome to
Coundon Primary School
Together Everybody Achieves More

Week Beginning 12th September

A huge welcome back to all of the children! It has been a delight to see them all back and with such an enthusiastic and positive outlook on their new year of school. The children have settled in brilliantly and have adapted to their new surroundings and routines. We are looking forward to a super first term of learning!

In phonics this week, the children will be working in their new groups, following the assessments that took place in the summer. The children will be continuing their reading, writing and spelling throughout the week and recapping the learning from their previous group. The children will be sent home with their Read Write Inc reading book on Friday and this will need to be returned the following Wednesday. They will also be assigned their home learning material which will need to be completed online.

In maths this week, we will be focusing on sorting in different ways. The children will be given different objects and will be discussing the ways they could be sorted. We will also be discussing that collections of objects can be sorted into sets based on attributes such as colour, size or shape. Sorting enables children to consider what is the same about all
the objects in one set and how they differ from the objects in other sets. We will also be practising our careful counting. The children need to be able to count accurately and carefully to ensure they are not making mistakes that can be avoided.

In the wider curriculum, we are going to be reading ‘What the Ladybird Heard’, in line with our top authors theme. Last week, we started to learn about Julia Donaldson and read ‘Room on the Broom’. We will be learning about rhyming words, onomatopoeia and alliteration. The children will be discussing different words we could use for words like ‘said’ and using adjectives to make their writing more exciting. By the end of the week, the children will be designing their own farm, just like in our story, and labelling the different parts of a farm.

A reminder that P.E days are on Monday and Thursday, so children will need to come into school wearing their P.E kits. The children do not need to bring their wellies into school and should have been given their reception boots back to them, last week.

If you need to contact your child’s class teacher, the email addresses are;

Have a fabulous week!

The Year 1 team

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