In phonics this week, the children will be starting in their new phonics groups. We would like to say a big well done to the children, who are all making progress in their learning. They have been working so hard and it shows in their reading and writing. Many of the children will be learning new sounds in the coming weeks and writing longer pieces of work. Although it is coming to the end of the year, we would still urge all the children to keep up with their reading at home, as it gives them a great start to the new year, in September.
In maths this week, we will be introducing the children to doubling. The children will be playing various games such as, doubling dominoes and the doubling barrier game to hook their learning. We will also be getting creative with our maths learning this week, by painting their own doubled butterflies. They will paint a number of spots on one side of their butterfly and then fold it in half to print the doubled amount on the other side.
In the wider curriculum this week, we will be learning about changes and the human life-cycle, which will link onto our transition work for the next coming weeks. The children will be discussing each stage of their lives and the changes they go through. We will be looking at their baby photos and talking about the things they can do now, as a child, to when they were a baby. We will also be discussing where the children and their families came from around the world. Thank you to all of you who have sent in the photos already! We will be sharing the photos tomorrow, so if they could be sent by the end of today, would be great!
As the weather is getting warmer this week, can we remind all parents that children should be coming into school with appropriate summer clothing, sun hats and full bottles of water. The reception staff are not permitted to apply sun cream to the children, so they will need to come into school with it already applied. If you would like to send sun cream into school with your child, they must be able to apply it themselves.
Have a fabulous week!
The reception team