This week the children will be continuing with their work on celebrations. We will be focusing on the Hindu festival of Diwali. The children will be learning all about the celebration and will be learning about how people celebrate. They will be learning about the Diwali story and will be learning songs and dances as well as doing a range of craft activities. If you are celebrating Diwali in your home please send in photos so that your child can share them with the class and talk about their celebration. Email any photos to rmt@coundon.coventry.sch.uk or rcg@coundon.coventry.sch.uk

Your child should have brought home a reading diary on Friday. Please read the note inside and complete the activities with your child. Please remember young children learn through repetition so should do these activities more than once. Try to get into the habit of doing reading activities every night such as going through the flashcards, putting the cards together to make simple CVC words and getting your children to Fred talk the sounds then blend them together to read the word and doing the activities stated in your child’s diary. When you have carried out these activities sign the diary and write a short comment saying what your child has done.

This week in Maths, we will be looking at the numbers 4 and 5. We will be learning how to make the amounts 4 and 5 in different ways and will be identifying these without the need to count. We will be looking at groups and talking about what we see and how we see it. We will also be using five frames to check our amounts and recognising how many more we would need to make 5. We will also be looking a 1 more and 1 fewer. By the end of the week the children should be able to identify groups of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 without the need to count. At home see if your child can recognise groups of different amounts without the need to count. See if they can tell you what they see and how they see it For example “I can see a 2 and a 2 so I know that makes 4”.

On Tuesday and Wednesday this week we will be hosting a special Art exhibition in the school hall. Each child in the school has produced a piece of art work that will be displayed for you to come and see and purchase. It would be lovely to see you all there.
Have a lovely week
The Reception Team