Happy Science week everybody! It is a very exciting week for the children, as they will be taking part in their very first Science week, here at Coundon. To celebrate Science week, we will be learning about ‘growth’ and the different ways we can look at growth. The children will be visiting the new Science laboratory and they will have the opportunity to grow their very own bean. We will be placing the beans on the window in the classroom and watching them grow, as the weeks go by.
We will also be linking our learning on growth, with our shared reading. This week we are reading ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. We will be discussing the different parts of the story and reading alternatives and discussing the similarities and differences. Some of the children’s challenges will be linked to the story, such as growing their own cress giant head.
In phonics this week, the children will be continuing their learning in their specified phonics groups. The children will be reading, writing and spelling during their lesson times and using the different learning strategies to support them, such as, Fred-fingers, pinch the sounds and letter formation phrases. Some of the children are still struggling with their letter formation. Any writing they are doing at home, can you please reinforce the correct way to write the letters and using the Read Write Inc. phrases to help them.
In maths this week, we will be introducing the children to subtraction. We will be focusing on the subtraction facts to 5 and using our number bond facts to help us. The children will be pretending to be hungry monsters and eating some of the ‘monster food’ and investigating how many they have left. We will also be creating our own ‘Now, Next, Then’ subtraction stories. The children will be drawing their own stories and then sharing them with the rest of the class.
We have had a great response to the library visits on Mondays. A reminder that RHB sessions started this Monday and will be held every other week. RMT sessions will start Monday 21st and will be held every other week. It is a great opportunity for the children to share a love for reading with you and to be able to take a book home that they enjoy.
Have a fabulous week!
The Reception team