This week we will continue to learn about Spring with a focus on new life. We will be learning about the life cycle of a butterfly, a frog and a hen. We will learn what is meant by a life cycle and will grow a deeper understanding of the process different animals go through. We will do a variety of crafts and role play and the children should be able to tell you about a life cycle. Talk about it with your child and see if they can explain what happens. If you are out and about for a walk get your child to tell you what they know about spring. Can they spot any signs of spring around them?
The children have been working in their new phonics groups and are continuing to learn new sounds and are using these sounds to blend words. Your child will bring their diary and any reading activity home on a Friday. Please go through the ditty sheets or book in the diary several times over the week and log on to Oxford owl to do the online activity. Remember your child can redo the book set on line by clicking on Fred the Frog. There are some videos below to help with some of the new sounds. Remember to sign the diary every time your child reads.
This week in Maths we are continuing with numbers to 20. The children have learned the numbers to 20 and should now know that numbers above 10 are a ten and so many ones. We will look at ordering numbers to and from 20, finding missing numbers and simple addition to 20. Can your child tell you how to make numbers to 20 e.g. 14 is 10 and 4. Can your child use what they know about number to calculate an amount e.g. 14 + 3. “4 and 3 make 7 so 10 and 7 is seventeen. Is your child able to count to 20 accurately without mixing the numbers 14, 15, 16? Say some numbers in order and make a mistake. Can they recognise the mistake e.g. 15, 16, 18. 17 19?
Finally it looks like the weather might be warming up. As your child should be able to tell you, Spring weather is very changeable. Please ensure your child comes to school with a waterproof coat with a hood. Children should also be wearing suitable school shoes that support their feet and keep them dry if it rains. We are noticing a lot of the children are wearing fabric type trainers rather that school shoes. These do not provide the best support for children’s feet and are not waterproof so result in children having wet feet. On those days that are not P.E days your child should be wearing suitable school shoes. Please also check your child’s clothing to make sure they are clearly named so that we can return lost items to their rightful owners. The children have a tendency to leave their jumpers wherever they go and it is difficult to return them without a name.
Thank you to those parents who have emailed pictures of their child’s bean plant it has been lovely seeing them grow and sharing them with the class. We would also love to see any photos of your Eid celebrations and would like to share these with the other children to help them learn about the celebration. Send any photos to or
Have a lovely week
The Reception Team.