Welcome to
Coundon Primary School
Together Everybody Achieves More

Week Beginning 15th November

We are all very excited to open our new outdoor area to the children! The children have observed the progress of the new playground and have been waiting patiently to finally be able to explore and learn using the new facilities. We will be discussing how the children need to use the equipment safely, sensibly and to wait their turn.

Pictures Of Playground Equipment | Free Download Clip Art | Free ... -  ClipArt Best - ClipArt Best

In phonics this week, we will be continuing our learning in our different phonics groups. Some of the children will be recapping the sounds they have already learned and ensuring they are secure with the sounds, before moving on to any new sounds. Other phonics groups will be finishing the single letter sounds ‘z’ and ‘x’. We will also be introducing some of the children to ‘special friends’. Special friends are sounds which have 2 or 3 letters representing them e.g. ch, sh, th.

RWI set 1 special friends Peter Flashcards | Quizlet

In maths this week, we are introducing shapes and their properties. We will be starting this topic, identifying circles and triangles. We will be discussing what a triangle and circle need to have and how we can turn the shape in different ways, but it will always stay the same shape. We will also be identifying shapes the environment. We will be hunting for shapes inside and outside of the classroom and creating a chart to see how many triangles and circles we can find!

Shapes Clipart Triangle - Clip Art Triangle Shape PNG Image | Transparent  PNG Free Download on SeekPNG

In the wider curriculum, we will be discussing how we can be a good friend. We will be looking at different stories based around friendships and how the characters behave friendly/unfriendly. We will be asking the children how they think they can be a good friend?

children-free-clip-art-with-child-playing-dayasriod-top-2-clipartix-friends- clipart-kids-3103_2062 |

Reminder, that the children can come to school on Friday 19th in non-uniform, in support of Children in Need. If all children that take part could bring in £1 donation, it will be a huge help for the charity and the amazing work they do for children that are in need.

Twenties Female Bristol Designer Pudsey Collection Children In Need #OXJI5Q  - Clipart Suggest

Have a fabulous week!

The Reception team

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