Hello and welcome to Receptions blog. We will try to update this block each week to let you know what the children will be focusing on in the coming week and activities that they will be doing and ways in which you can support their learning at home. We will also pass on messages and let you know what is happening in the week ahead. Please try and check in each week so that you can gain an understanding of what your child is doing in school and the expectations.

This week we will be focusing on the story ‘A Monster Surprise’ with a focus on feelings and emotions. We will be talking about how the characters felt during the story and will be relating it to how they may sometimes feel when they are in school. We will be talking about our school value of kindness and how we should always be kind to each other. This is an important message that you could discuss with your child at home to encourage them to always be kind to others and if someone isn’t being kind to them to not hit out but to come and tell an adult and we will be able to help them. We will be doing lots of activities during the week linked to the story such as making our own monsters in different ways, retelling and sequencing the story, acting out the story and lots of crafts linked to monsters. We are looking forward to seeing lots of different monsters through the week.

The children have had a little introduction to our Read Write inc phonics programme last week. They have learned the silent signals which help the sessions work successfully and have looked through the picture sound cards in preparation for learning the sounds this week. The children will be introduced to the first few sounds this week. On Friday they will bring home the sounds that they have learned for you to practise with them. Please go through these with your child so that they are confident with the first few sounds ready to move on next week. Over the next few weeks the children will be introduced to the first set of sounds. They will then be assessed to see if they know the sounds and can hear the sounds in words e.g. when the adult says m-a-t they can respond with ‘mat’. Once confident with this we will be looking for the children to begin reading the sounds to make simple words. Once your child is able to blend the sounds they know, they will then start on a reading book. We ask that you try and get into the habit of doing reading work every night so that your child gets into the routine of it for when they get their reading book. We also ask that you sign your child’s reading diary every night when they have done reading work with a little message sharing how they got on.

In Maths this week we will be focusing on sorting and matching, play a range of different games to identify pairs. You could support this learning at home by playing games like snap or pairs with playing cards or you could get your child to help sort out all the socks from the washing into ones that match or some of the coins from your purse. They could even sort their toys into different groups. Any activity that encourages your child to sort will reinforce the learning in school.

We are required by the government to carry out a baseline assessment on your child when they start primary school. Mrs Towner and Mrs Gerrard will continue to carry out these assessments this week. They are nothing to worry about and just a few simple activities for your child to complete. Unfortunately we will not be able to pass on any scores to you as we do not get these, the results are collated centrally by the Government. Below is a link for you to find out more about the Baseline:

Can we please remind parents to name all clothes. We have a lot of items already going missing as children are leaving them anywhere, including the canteen and they have no names on them so difficult to return to the right person. We ask the child to put their jumpers or cardigans in their drawers so that other children do not pick them up. Work with your child to recognise their own name so that they put their items in the correct drawer and take the right items. Please name everything including coats and shoes so we can return items to the right person.
We are looking forward to another busy week. If you have any issues or concerns please speak to us on the door or email to RMT@coundon.coventry.sch.uk or RCG@coundon.coventry.sch.uk
The Reception team