This week we are continuing to think about Autumn and will be talking about the festivals that occur in Autumn. We will be focusing on Diwali the festival of light. The children will learn all about Diwali, the people that celebrate it and how it is celebrated. We will have a wide range of activities across the week and will be making Rangoli patterns, divas, learning songs and dances and will act out the story. It is important that children learn about a wide range of religions and celebrations and understand that people have different beliefs and cultures. Diwali is due to fall on October 24th this year. If you see anything about it on the T.V or hear fireworks around this time, ask your child to share with you what they have learned about Diwali.

This week the children have been assessed on the letter sounds they have already been introduced to. After half term the children will be split into groups as a result of these assessments. The children that confidently know their letter sounds and are able to blend words will begin on simple reading books or Ditty sheets. Those children that are less confident will recap over the sounds already taught and will work on their blending skills. Please continue to support your child at home with these important skills. We have added some videos below for the sounds we have covered this week. Watch these with your child so that they recap the sounds taught in school. We will continue to add videos throughout the year to support the children’s learning at home.

This week we are coming to the end of our topic ‘Just Like Me’. Over the last few weeks we have done a lot of work on comparing and patterns. This week we are trying hard to make our own repeating patterns. We are all able to do a simple A,B,A,B,A,B pattern but we did find A,B,C,A,B,C,A,B,C and A,A,B,A,A,B patterns a little trickier. Maybe you could practise this at home by getting some objects from outside such as conkers, leaves and acorns or even things from the cupboards such as fork, knife and spoon. See if you can make some different patterns.
Miss Masterson is now back with us in Reception. The children are staff very happy to see her and she will be spending the week getting to know all of the children. Please bare with her while she gets to know all of the parents faces at pick up time. We would like to say a big thank you to Miss Frost and Mrs Brindley for their help and support over the last few weeks.
Now that the children have settled and feel comfortable in their surroundings we have noticed that some children are beginning to push the boundaries and are ignoring some of the rules. This is something we will work on continuously in Reception as the children develop their independence. We operate a system in Reception where the children are responsible for their own behaviour and are encouraged to make the right choices. If they make the wrong choices they have some time out to reflect on their behaviour before being able to go back into their child initiated learning time. We ask that you support us on this at home so that we can work together to share the same message about making the right choice.

After half term we will be learning about the celebration of Bonfire night. Could you please collect empty kitchen roll and toilet roll tubes for us and send them in after half term for our art activities.
Have a wonderful half term break. Stay safe and have lots of fun
The Reception Team