This week will be our count down to Christmas. The children will have lots of fun doing a variety of different Christmas activities to help get us in the mood.
We will have our Nativity performance on Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning, so make sure you have ordered your tickets. Please remember if taking photos and videos these should be kept for private viewing and not shared across social media if they contain other children. We have taken a photo of all of the children in their costumes and will send these home with the children. We are looking forward to seeing you all there.
On Wednesday we will be having our whole school party day. The children can come into school in their party wear or in their Christmas jumper. Please make sure children are dressed warmly and wearing sensible footwear as they will still be outside at lunchtime and throughout the day. Can you send your child in on that day with a small paper plate (named) of party food for them to consume in the afternoon. The children will have had their lunch as normal so do not need sandwiches. Just a few treats to enjoy such as fruit, a cupcake and some crisps.
Thank you for all your support this term. The children have had an excellent start to their Reception year and are showing great progress in all areas of the curriculum. They are doing particularly well with their phonics. Please keep practising the letter sounds and making simple words for them to read. There will only be online work set this week as we need to collect in all of the books to sort for new groups in the new year.
Have a healthy and safe Christmas
The Reception Team