In phonics this week, we are learning the sounds b, f, e, l and n. We will be introducing how we say the sounds, what it looks like and how we write it down. Then, the children will be asked to spell simple CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) words using the sounds they have already learned. We will also be using Fred-talk with the children, to help them with their blending. Fred can only segment words, so the children are asked to help Fred blend the sounds together to make the word. Children will be given a phonics reading book in the next few weeks, once they have learned all of the sounds and are confidently segmenting and blending. In the mean time, continue to work on Fred-talk at home and practising the sound cards that have been sent home.

In maths this week, we are continuing our learning on patterns. The children will be creating their own movement pattern with their friends and performing it to the rest of the class. We will be looking at the story ‘We are Going on a Bear Hunt’ and discussing how the author uses patterns in the text. We will be assessing the children’s learning on pattern making by asking them to create a 3 colour repeating pattern using finger painting.

In the wider curriculum this week, we are learning all about Diwali. We will be discussing the reasons why some people celebrate Diwali and the different ways in which people celebrate. The children will be using clay to create their own Diya lamp, which they will decorate after the half-term break. We will also be talking about the story of Rama and Sita and asking the children to act out the story from what they have learned.

As the weather is getting wetter and colder, we would like to remind all parents that the children need a water-proof coat with a hood, in school. For the rest of the week and during the half-term break, the children’s homework is to practise putting their coats on and off independently and zipping them up!

Can we also remind parents to return their parents evening slips in, if you haven’t already done so.
Have a fabulous week and half-term break!
The Reception team