This week we will be looking at growing up and how humans change. We will be discussing our move to Year 1 and how we have changed in our lives so far. The children will be thinking about the changes that have already taken place and the changes that are to come. This would be a good opportunity to talk to your child about how they are changing and have changed over the last year. The children will meet their Year 1 teacher on Wednesday so some conversations around this would be good to help them prepare.
On Wednesday it is our end of year beach day. We have lots of fun planned for the children. They will have a go on the bouncy castle, eat an ice-cream, paddle in the water and play in the sand. The children do not need to bring in swim wear as they will just be paddling in the water. Unfortunately changing all 60 children throughout the day would prove really difficult. If your child would like to bring in a bucket and spade then they can but please make sure these are clearly named. We ask that each child brings in a small plate of picnic treats to enjoy in the afternoon. The children will have already had their lunch so will not need things like sandwiches, just a few small treats to enjoy. If you have not returned your permission slip then please do so as we need your permission for your child to have an ice-cream and a go on the bouncy castle. Payment for the day can be made on the school payment system, we are asking for a £5 contribution from each child.
Last week in Maths the children played some games that focused on counting on. They enjoyed playing these games which not only concentrates on counting on but also co-operation and understanding that they don’t always win! Board games are an excellent activity to do with your child. There is a lot of maths involved with subitising (recognising the number on the dice without the need to count), counting on as well as working out how many more they need to complete the game.
We will shortly be coming up to our next assessment in Phonics. This assessment will place the children in the group for their next year group. Continue to go through the sounds at the beginning of the online book. These are all of the sounds your child has been taught this year and should be confident in. Below are some extra review sessions to watch and do with your child.
Have a lovely week,
The Reception Team