Week beginning 1st June
We hope you all had a good half term and enjoyed the sunshine! 🙂
This week we would like you to continue with the Phonics, Maths and Curriculum work as you have done over the last few weeks.
Miss Jones and Mrs Johnson’s groups please follow ‘Learning to Blend’ – Week commencing 11th May.
Miss Plimmer’s, Miss Warsop’s and Mrs Hollingsworth’s Phonics Groups follow the Reception tab –Week commencing 11th May.
Mrs Towner’s phonics group follow the Year 1– Week commencing 11th May.
Phase 5 extra challenge activities.
Maths this week will be a range of activities following the story ‘Snail and the whale’. We have included a link to the story if you haven’t got the book at home.
This week we would like you to look at what makes you unique. The power point offers good discussion points and some nice activities. You may wish to do some art work or sentence writing about what makes you unique. We would love to see photos!
We would also like to wish a happy birthday to the following children turning 5 in June: Thomas L, Poppy G, Lara, Violet, Freddie, Elodie, Tilly-Blue and Sofia- Rose.