This week the children will become superheroes! We will be learning all about the qualities of a superhero and what makes someone a superhero. We will read stories, sing songs and even make our own class superhero thinking about the qualities that we would like to see in our class superhero. The children will also attend Superhero school, where they will have to complete a range of tasks to become a superhero. Talk to your child about what makes a superhero. How could they be a superhero at home?

The children will be continuing with their phonic lessons and will be learning new sounds. Those children in purple and green groups will be recapping all of the set 2 sounds to help embed them. Continue to work at home going through the sound cards, reading the book bag book and doing the online task. Remember to sign the book every time your child does a reading activity with you at home. Below are a few more videos that recap on some of the set 2 sounds learned.

This week in Maths we will be focusing on subtraction and will be using number stories to help us work out the answer. We are trying to encourage the children to use their knowledge of number bonds to help them answer questions rather than counting, as counting is where children tend to make the most mistakes. The children have been working on the subitising so should understand that if 3+2=5 then 5-3=2 without the need to count amounts. Try this with your child. Can they answer simple subtraction sums without the need to use their fingers? If they can see if they can subtract above 10. e.g. 17-3=11. Can they explain how they got their answer?
It was lovely to see so many parents attend our parent consultations last week. If you didn’t manage to make an appointment then please speak to your child’s class teacher to arrange an alternative date. Over the next few weeks we will be working hard towards the early learning goals. If you would like to read through the early learning goals then please click the link below.
We are really hoping that the weather now warms up. Please continue to send your child to school with a waterproof coat with a hood. Your child would also benefit from having a sunhat in their bag for those days when the sun does come out. We would rather children didn’t bring sunglasses into school as they easily get lost or broken and are not really needed in the setting. Please remember to label any new coats, hats or summer wear. We are still getting lots of jumpers and hoodies without names on.
Have a lovely week and we hope the children are celebrating a sky blue win to start the week off on a high.
The Reception Team